During the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Shareholders of PT Transkon Jaya Tbk (TRJA), the acquisition of the company by PT Samindo Resources Tbk (MYOH) was officially approved. Consequently, MYOH has become the new controlling entity of TRJA. The EGM, held on November 30, was attended by shareholders representing 1.26 billion shares, equivalent to 83.83% of the company’s shares. The majority of shareholders approved MYOH as the new controller of TRJA.
The results of the EGM approved the transfer of company shares owned by PT Damai Investama Sukses and PT MSJ Investama Abadi, totaling 1,117,548,000 shares or 74%, to be transferred to PT Samindo Resources Tbk. With this decision, the shareholding structure of TRJA is now as follows:
– PT Samindo Resources Tbk (MYOH): 1,117,548,000 shares (74%)
– PT Damai Investa Abadi: 120,816,000 shares
– Public: 271,836,000 shares
Additionally, the EGM approved the honorable dismissal of several members of the board of directors and commissioners of TRJA and the appointment of new members. These changes will be effective from the date of signing the Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) between PT Damai Investama Sukses and PT MSJ Investama Abadi with PT Samindo Resources Tbk.
Source : https://www.neraca.co.id/article/190569/rupslb-transkon-setujui-diakuisisi-samindo