PT Transkon Jaya Tbk (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), has submitted its Statement of Underwriting in relation to this Public offering to OJK by letter No. 087/TJ-FIN/II/2020 dated February 24, 2020 regarding the Recommendation Letter for Statement of Underwriting for the Purpose of the Company’s Initial Public Offering by referring to the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations in the Capital Market sector.
The shares offered in this Public offering are scheduled to be listed at IDX, in accordance with the Principles of Securities Listing Agreement issued by IDXbased on Letter No. S-03165/BEI.PP2/06-2020 dated June 5, 2020 which was privately made. If the requirements to list shares at IDX are not met, this Public Offering is deemed void and the payment of the aforementioned Securities subscription must be returned to the subscriber in accordance with the provisions of Capital Investment Law and Regulation No. IX.A.2
All of the Capital Market Supporting Profession and Institution referred to in this Prospectus are fully responsible for data presented in accordance with their function and position, in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations in the Capital Market sector, and codes of conduct, norms, and their respective professional standards.
In relation of this Public Offering, each affiliated party is prohibited from providing information or statements regarding the data not disclosed in this Prospectus, without the written consent of the Company and the underwriter.
PT UOB Kay Hian Sekuritas as Underwriter, and the Capital Market Supporting Profession and Institution in this Public Offering firmly declare that they have no affiliation with the Company as referred to in the Capital Market Law.
Download Prospectus here