Transkon Jaya Optimizes Expansion Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic


03 Sep 2021


Dilansir Oleh


Balikpapan: PT Transkon Jaya Tbk (TRJA) continues to strengthen its business expansion amid the ongoing and lingering Covid-19 pandemic. Entering the third quarter of 2021, TRJA is adding vehicles to operate in North Kalimantan, marking the latest point on the company’s distribution map.

“Having been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for a year, TRJA is expanding its expansion projects,” said Corporate Secretary PT Transkon Jaya Tbk Alexander Syauta in a written statement on Friday, September 3, 2021.

Currently, the company has received more than 50 vehicles from a Single Brand Holder Agent (ATPM) which are being prepared with all supporting accessories to be delivered to customers. Additionally, the company has several queues for vehicle orders.

“They are currently being prepared by the ATPM,” he said.

In this project, he added, Transkon Jaya still sees several opportunities in the mining sector, where commodity prices continue to soar in each period. This is happening due to the high demand from several countries. However, this does not mean stopping TRJA from exploring potential beyond the mining industry.

“Already realized in several new contracts in the second semester, TRJA provides vehicles for infrastructure and other mineral mining industries such as nickel and gold,” he said.

On the other hand, in order to reduce carbon emissions, the company is increasing the proportion of industries other than coal. “The addition of project locations and business line variations serves as motivation and a manifestation of responsibility to public shareholders,” he concluded.

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