Transkon Jaya Jadi Perusahaan Go Public Pertama dari Kaltim


31 Aug 2020


Dilansir Oleh


**Title: Transkon Jaya Becomes the First Publicly Listed Company from East Kalimantan**

IDXChannel – The issuer PT Transkon Jaya Tbk, which will use the stock code TRJA, conducted its initial public offering (IPO) on Thursday (27/8/2020). After meeting various requirements, it became the first listed company from East Kalimantan to be listed on the stock exchange.

Listed as the 700th company on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), the issuer with the stock code TRJA has released up to 375 million new shares to the public with a nominal value of IDR 100 per share and has set the offering price at IDR 250 per share. With this price, Transkon Jaya has raised fresh funds of IDR 93.75 billion.

The President Commissioner of PT Transkon Jaya Tbk, Juliana Theresia Jie, stated that Transkon chose IPO as one of the financing options for the company.

“This shows that the effort to increase the number of listed companies is well received by the business world, indicating enthusiasm. We chose capital market financing options to accelerate the company’s growth,” explained Juliana in the Maret Review IDX Channel program on Thursday (27/8/2020).

The shareholders of Transkon Jaya, with the highest percentage value of around 45.10%, is Damai Investama Sukses, followed by the second position at 30.06%, which is PT MSJ Investama Abadi, and the last at 24.83%, which the company offered for the IPO.

Meanwhile, the economy in East Kalimantan is continuing to grow following its designation as the new capital of Indonesia. This becomes a significant new business potential for the company. It is known that Transkon Jaya is the first company through the Indonesia Stock Exchange Representative of East Kalimantan to officially IPO.

“Vehicles to support existing infrastructure development are imminent. Before physical construction, it will undoubtedly be preceded by land clearing, land preparation, road construction, so the services we offer are very suitable in such locations,” he explained. (*)

Source: IDXChannel (