BALIKPAPAN, – PT Transkon Jaya Tbk organized a webinar with the theme “Advancing MSMEs in the New Capital City.” The event was opened by the President Director of PT Transkon Jaya Tbk, Lexi Rompas.
As speakers, the event featured the Head of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Representative for East Kalimantan, the Head of Bank Indonesia Representative for East Kalimantan, the Head of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Representative for East Kalimantan – North Kalimantan, and the Co-Founder of Akseleran.
MSME players in East Kalimantan participated in the activity to support economic recovery due to the pandemic through corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs.
Initially, this CSR activity involved face-to-face training for five selected MSMEs at the training center facilities in PT Transkon Jaya Tbk. However, with the implementation of Emergency PPKM, the training activities were shifted to online. This shows that, in any situation, PT Transkon Jaya Tbk will continue to fulfill its responsibilities for its programs to support widespread economic recovery.
In the first meeting, Ramdhani, one of the MSME players in East Kalimantan, presented material on how to develop the right business concept and strategy, especially to survive in a crisis like the one faced by MSME players today.
On the same day, the material was continued by Steffy, Head of Funding at PT Transkon Jaya Tbk, who presented tips and tricks for pitching or how MSME players can introduce and present their company profiles and performance to financing institutions and even investors.
In the second meeting, Saskya, Head of Reporting, and Annastintatia, Head Analyst at PT Transkon Jaya Tbk, discussed bookkeeping and reporting. This material is the main focus of the company to help MSME players prepare simple financial reports that comply with standards and can be accepted as requirements for applying for funding from financial institutions.
In the third meeting, Yoyok Sunarko from CYMS Consulting Associate presented material on taxation for MSMEs.
In the last meeting, Faisal, Head Credit Analyst at Akseleran, provided material on the world of crowdfunding, which will be very useful for MSMEs in need of capital to run their businesses.
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