SuaraPemerintah.ID – PT Transkon Jaya Tbk successfully conducted a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in the field of Regional Economic Empowerment, starting with an online seminar themed “Advancing MSMEs in the New Capital City.” The seminar was opened by the President Director of PT Transkon Jaya Tbk, Lexi Rompas.
Several topics were presented by the Head of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Representative for East Kalimantan, the Head of Bank Indonesia Representative for East Kalimantan, the Head of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Representative for East Kalimantan – North Kalimantan, and the Co-Founder of Akseleran. The online seminar was attended by more than 90 MSME players from East Kalimantan with great enthusiasm.
Initially, Transkon organized this CSR activity by providing face-to-face training for 5 selected MSMEs at the training center facilities in PT Transkon Jaya Tbk. However, in line with the implementation of the Emergency PPKM, the training activities were shifted to virtual. This shows that, in any situation, Transkon will continue to fulfill its responsibilities for its programs to support widespread economic recovery.
Proceeding as planned, Transkon brought in expert speakers in their fields to provide a better understanding to the 5 selected MSMEs. In the first meeting, Ramdhani, one of the MSME players from East Kalimantan, presented material on how to develop the right business concept and strategy, especially to survive during the COVID-19 pandemic.
At the same time, the material was continued by Steffy, Head of Funding at PT Transkon Jaya Tbk, who provided tips and tricks for pitching, or how MSME players can introduce and present their company profiles and performance to financing institutions and even investors.
In the second meeting, Saskya, Head of Reporting, and Annastintatia, Head Analyst at PT Transkon Jaya Tbk, discussed bookkeeping and reporting, where this material is the company’s main focus to help MSME players prepare simple financial reports that comply with standards and can be accepted as requirements for applying for funding from financial institutions.
In the third meeting, Yoyok Sunarko from CYMS Consulting Associate presented material on taxation for MSMEs. And, in the last meeting, Faisal, Head Credit Analyst at Akseleran, provided material on the world of crowdfunding, which will be very useful for MSMEs in need of capital to run their businesses.
With the completion of the training from Transkon for Regional MSMEs, it is hoped that this will also motivate other companies to collaborate in supporting the government’s program in accelerating economic recovery. Even though people cannot leave their homes and gather, through the empowerment of advanced technology, it will undoubtedly help local MSME players to be nurtured by existing companies.
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