East Kalimantan Businessmen Positively Welcome the Inauguration of Balsam Toll Road


29 Aug 2021


Dilansir Oleh


Bisnis.com, BALIKPAPAN – Entrepreneurs in the business community have welcomed the inauguration of the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road by President Joko Widodo for Sections I and V, believing it will further accelerate the economic activities in the East Kalimantan Province.

Faisal Tola, Chairman of the Regional Board of the Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders Association (ALFI) in East Kalimantan, stated that the toll road would expedite logistics routes, significantly impacting travel time and costs. He emphasized that financing logistics through toll roads would be cheaper than using conventional roads in East Kalimantan. Even with a difference of IDR 5,000, sellers’ profits could be two to three times higher.

With the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road in place, he hopes that the connectivity of logistic routes between densely populated cities can be maximized.

The Corporate Secretary of PT Transkon Jaya Tbk mentioned that this toll road has a positive impact on the company, such as accelerating the delivery of spare parts, oil, and tires from the Balikpapan headquarters to various working areas in East Kalimantan. Additionally, it speeds up the delivery of new units to operational locations in Sangatta, Kota Bontang, and others.

Meanwhile, Tutuk SH Cahyono, Head of the Bank Indonesia Representative Office in East Kalimantan, stated that with improved mobility, there will be increased efficiency and competitiveness. However, regarding the mobility of goods, it needs to be seen to what extent freight transporters are willing to use toll roads.

Jinto Sirait, President Director of PT Jasamarga Balikpapan Samarinda (JBS), stated that the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road Section Balikpapan-Samboja would operate without toll charges for two weeks after the inauguration.

“Even though Sections 1 and 5 are operated with a zero rupiah tariff, if road users travel continuously to Samarinda through the Palaran Toll Gate, they will still be subject to a tariff equal to the tariff of Sections 2, 3, and 4 that have been in operation and tariffed since June 2020,” he said.

As a simulation, Jinto explained that users entering the Manggar or Karang Joang Toll Gates will pay a tariff of IDR 75,500 (toward Simpang Pasir) or IDR 83,500 (toward Mahkota 2) at the Palaran Toll Gate exit. This mechanism also applies in the opposite direction.

Jinto clarified that users traveling from the Manggar Toll Gate to the Samboja Toll Gate and vice versa would not be charged a toll fee.

With the operation of these two sections with a zero rupiah tariff during the socialization period, Jinto hopes that the existence of the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road Section Balikpapan-Samboja can be maximized while still adhering to applicable regulations and signage. As part of JBS’s community outreach efforts, even though a zero rupiah tariff is applied, Jinto reminded road users to prepare electronic money before entering toll gates.

Source: https://kalimantan.bisnis.com/read/20210829/408/1435342/kalangan-pengusaha-kaltim-sambut-positif-peresmian-jalan-tol-balsam